We had a great turn out for our Sunday bird walk lead by local birder Pete Givan. Twenty-one species were spotted with a total of 102 individuals. “Not bad for a hot and muggy morning”.
After cancelling once because of the bitter cold, the LFWA stream team was out monitoring the Little Falls Branch last week, February 22. The weather cooperated - sunny and 41 degrees and the team was able to complete the task. They were excited to find a crane fly larva and a narrow winged damsel fly larva along with 6 other species despite the high salt levels seen this winter.
LFWA citizen scientists are busy at work again, this time testing for salt pollution in our creeks. The baseline tests taken in mid-December showed high levels of salt - almost to the chronic level. This is alarming as the freshwater organisms who live in the creek, cannot survive when the salinity of the water gets too high.