August 8, 2023: Dead fish in the Little Falls Branch by Willard Avenue Park in Chevy Chase, MD.
Kudos to our trash volunteers who noticed dead fish and a weird smell in the Little Falls Branch at Willard Avenue Park in Chevy Chase during our August clean-up. They reported the problem to our trash host who passed it along to Steve Martin at the Montgomery County Department of Environment. Steve and his crew were able to track down at least some of the problem and a local pool was found to have discharged muriatic acid into the creek. The pool management company was issued a citation.
Thank you to our trash host Emily Simone for following up on this and to the MoCo DEP for their prompt and successful investigation.
how to report problems in the creek
This is not the first time that LFWA has reported a problem to the County with success. Illegal discharges are common in the creek and quite often the DEP is able to track the source and have the problem fixed. But they can’t do it without the help of residents. The key to a successful outcome is prompt reporting with lots of details, pictures and maps. There are two ways to report:
Call 311 - this non-emergency number will take your report and relay it to the right department. 311 is only available Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Call 911 for emergency service when 311 is closed.
Email Environmental Compliance Supervisor directly at Be sure to include photos and a map along with the date of observation. Please copy us at if you do email. We will also follow up.
Examples of problems you might report include paint, construction silt, dead fish, funny smells, weird colored water, lots of foam from soap suds, and of course, plain old dumping,
Murky water on the Little Falls Branch coming from an outlet near Willard Avenue in Chevy Chase. Dead fish and an abnormally low pH were found below this outlet. Photo taken on August 8, 2023.